Estimate and measure perimeter and area of 2D shapes, understanding that shapes with the same perimeter can have different areas and vice versa
Understand which law of arithmetic apply to simplify calculations
Estimate, add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are multiples of each other.
Mereview dan melakukan asesmen
Understand that a proportion compares part to whole
Siswa mendalami mengenai presentase yang ada di kurikulum nasional.
Siswa mendalami mengenai Perbandingan yang ada di kurikulum nasional.
Mereview dan melakukan asesmen
Understand time intervals in milliseconds
Materi ini dirancang untuk membantu siswa kelas 5 memahami konsep dasar waktu dan kecepatan.
Materi ini akan mengembangkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan berpikir kritis dalam situasi sehari-hari, seperti perjalanan atau aktivitas olahraga.
Students will engage in structured practice to strengthen their problem-solving skills and consolidate their knowledge. Chapter tests will assess their understanding, providing valuable feedback and opportunities for improvement.
Estimate, compare and classify angles, using geometric vocabulary including acute, right, obtuse and reflex.
Identify, describe and sketch 3D shapes in different orientations
Compare the relative position of coordinates (with or without the aid of a grid).
siswamemahami konsep volume pada kubus dan balok.
Students will explore the concepts of symmetry, reflection, and translation
Students will develop an understanding of probability and chance through hands-on experiments and real-life scenarios.
Record, organise and represent data with Venn and Carroll diagrams
Pada pertemuan ini, siswa akan melakukan chapter test setelah beberapa kali pertemuan
Plan and conduct an investigation to answer a set of related statistical questions, considering what data to collect (categorical, discrete and continuous data)
Pada pertemuan ini, siswa mampu memahami, menganalisis, dan menyajikan data dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik garis secara sederhana.
Sesi ini dirancang untuk merefleksikan materi yang telah dipelajari selama kursus.